A global mechanism to support artists-in-distress
Posted on July 17, 2011 | No Comments
The centerpiece of freeDimensional’s three-year strategy is the development of an Ray Ban outlet international system of Regional Triage Teams to support culture workers in distress. Six regional triage teams representing Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, South America, and Europe are meeting from July 13-20 on Wasan Island in the Muskoka Lakes of Ontario, Canada, hosted by the Breuninger Stiftung. freeDimensional organized a skills-sharing workshop on the logistical, administrative and resource identification (e.g. psycho-social, legal, income generation, health care) aspects of case management. In turn, participants from Canada, US, Belgium, Colombia, France, India, Uzbekistan, Rwanda, South Africa, Guatemala, Germany, Argentina, Denmark, UK, and Iraq helped to construct regional snapshots of political conditions for artists, and shared their concerns through an experimental Cultural Rights Clinic.
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