
Zimbabwe Artist Maseko Finalist for Freedom to Create Prize

Posted on November 13, 2010 | 3 Comments

Zim Artist Owen Maseko expresses the atrocities of the Gukurahundi (5th Brigade) through his painting, graffiti and 3D installations, with the hope that greater cheap oakley openness about the massacres will lead to reconciliation and national healing. freeDimensional recently provided Maseko a Creative Safe Haven residency in Bilbao, Spain, and we just learned that he is a finalist for the Freedom to Create Prize, which will be awarded at the Citadel in Cairo in December.  Read more about Owen’s ordeal in this Guardian article.


3 Responses to “Zimbabwe Artist Maseko Finalist for Freedom to Create Prize”

  1. Creative Resistance Fund » Page not found
    November 27th, 2010 @ 9:13 am

    […] project we like: The Impossible Music SessionsFreeing Belarus through Theatre {World Policy Blog #4}Zimbabwe Artist Maseko Finalist for Freedom to Create PrizeFree Belarus – Literary & Human Rights organizations campaign together in weeks before […]

  2. Creative Resistance Fund» Blog Archive » How a Prize Helps
    December 20th, 2010 @ 12:03 pm

    […] to the Freedom to Create Award.  Whereas they did not win the award, another fD stakeholder, Owen Maseko (pictured here) was the third place winner, an accolade that came with a $10,000 prize. […]

  3. Theatre actors imprisoned in Zimbabwe : freeDimensional
    January 7th, 2011 @ 6:31 pm

    […] for Human Rights group are working together to facilitate their release.  Due to this incident and other repressive acts, the Zimbabwe Theatre Association (ZiTA), Bulawayo Arts Forum (BAF), Visual Art Association […]

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