{"id":309,"date":"2010-11-12T12:09:15","date_gmt":"2010-11-12T19:09:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/freedimensional.org\/?p=309"},"modified":"2017-04-03T08:35:52","modified_gmt":"2017-04-03T08:35:52","slug":"free-belarus-literary-human-rights-organizations-campaign-together-in-weeks-before-election","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/fd.artistsafety.net\/2010\/11\/free-belarus-literary-human-rights-organizations-campaign-together-in-weeks-before-election\/","title":{"rendered":"Free Belarus – Literary & Human Rights organizations campaign together in weeks before election"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>Founded in 2005 by a husband-wife team, the Belarus Free Theatre is the only unregistered – thus independent and therefore illegal – dramatic troupe in this post-communist country.\u00a0 Effectively banned at home, BFT’s performances have taken on an underground Magliette Calcio A Poco Prezzo<\/a> existence, with audiences alerted via text message or e-mail.\u00a0 Its covert and uncensored performances have drawn international acclaim. In the buffer-state between the rest of Europe and Russia, ruled by President Alexandr Lukashenko since 1994, the BFT provides a rare voice of dissent in what is being called Europe’s last dictatorship. \u00a0This November in a show of solidarity, theaters around the US will host readings of co-founder Nikolai Khalesin’s play, Thanksgiving Day<\/em><\/a> organized by Mischief + Mayhem Books<\/a> in cahoots with freeDimensional, Art & Democracy Bridge Conversations<\/a>, and the World Policy Institute<\/a> in order to raise awareness on the situation in Belarus in the weeks before its next election. \u00a0Read DW Gibson’s \u2018Free Belarus\u2019: An Introduction<\/a> in the Mischief + Mayhem’s online magazine, Wild Rag. \u00a0See the press release<\/a> for ‘Free Belarus’ Thanksgiving Day<\/em> readings all over the US.<\/p>\n